Monday, April 25, 2011

Rainy day mini-garden update

The tent garden is moving along well heres some pics
The spinach is really taking off adding new leaf sets daily
The root zone seems to double itself every few days

Heres a rundown of the pepper plants we have
#1 Sweet Banana Peppers
early Jalapeno

Also Have habanero and Cayenne I will post pics of later.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tent Progress

Our new starts are still moving along nicely, the spinach and the lettuce are the fastest growers but I kind of expected that. The peppers are going pretty quick too but not the noticeable every day growth like the others.Heres some pictures.
Top Section
 Lettuce getting huge
 Name this pepper?

 Spinach getting comfortable
 Root system still expanding still flushing out brown crap off hydroton
 The Fuzz!!
 Bottom section
 Sweet Banana, Bell and Serranos
 habanero in worm castings
 Dark green on the bells

 the Nutrients
 T5s in progress
 New Nutramist fogger we are thinking of renting out.
 Overview of tent
 What kind of pepper is this? Answer gets 15% off any 1 item

 blue and red spectrum
 Sol Lighting T5s

Thursday, April 14, 2011

 The snow up there won't go away!
 Hopefully Spring comes soon
 roots out the bottom in one week!!

Happy Spinach
 Smart pots lettuce roots poppin
The cause of the root explosion

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Advanced nutrients!


Our little tent garden

 Lettuce @ 3.5 weeks from seed
 Hydroponic spinach
 early Jalapeno
 mint in 100% worm castings
 Sweet Banana Pepper
 L to R FenuGreek,Lettuce, Globe Basil
 Ike hangin out
 Ike & Hank
 Omri listed! 15% off
 Our chili pepper ripening up for a second harvest
get those starts going soon!


This blog will be about whats going on in indoor gardening in the PNW. I will review new products share articles and do a little grow log on our indoor pepper garden.